About Mpox

Mpox is currently of public health concern because while occasional cases have occurred in the past, especially from travel to endemic areas, its emergence in non-endemic areas is new.
Mpox is less transmissible and usually far less severe than smallpox.

There is a recent significant increase in cases where mpox is not commonly seen, including in Europe, Canada, the United States, and California. While it's important to stay alert on any emerging public health outbreaks, the current risk of getting mpox in the general public is very low. 

Important Announcements

The mpox vaccine (Jynneos) is now available for students at Student Health

  • People who are known contacts to someone with mpox who are identified by public health authorities, for example via case investigation, contact tracing, or risk exposure assessment
  • People who are aware that a recent sex partner within the past 14 days was diagnosed with mpox
  • People who attended an event or venue where there was known mpox exposure
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men (including cisgender and transgender men) who have sex with men (MSM) or transgender women who meet at least one of the following criteria:

    • Sex with multiple partners (or group sex); or recent sex with anonymous male partners; or sex at a commercial sex venue; or sex in association with an event, venue, or defined geographic area where mpox transmission is occurring
    • Have been diagnosed with a bacterial sexually transmitted disease (e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis) in the past 12 months,
    • Have engaged in chemsex (using drugs as part of sex life),
    • Have attended sex-on-premises venues (e.g., saunas, bathhouses, sex clubs),
    • Use or are recommended to use HIV PrEP,
    • Are living with HIV

If the above applies to you and you would like to get the vaccine, please login to the patient portal and go to "Appointments" to schedule the mpox vaccine.

Patient Portal


Often, people with mpox will develop a rash or sores on or near the genitals (labia, vagina, testicles, penis) and/or anus (butthole). It can also develop in other regions of the body like the face, mouth, chest, hands, or feet. Sometimes, they might be limited to only one section of the body. The rash/sores can (but not always) be accompanied either before or after with other flu-like symptoms such as:

  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Exhaustion
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Muscle Aches or Backache
  • Headache
  • Respiratory Symptoms like sore throat, nasal congestion, or cough.

For people that experience any flu-like symptoms listed above, rash/sores usually manifest 1-3 days after. Some people only experience a rash and no other symptoms. 

Mpox rashes can look similar to common skin conditions. Regular pimples do not warrant concern, but any unusual blemishes or rashes should not be ignored.

The sores will go through several stages, including scabs, before healing. They can look like pimples or blisters and may be painful and itchy. If a person has sores in the anus, bowel movements can be uncomfortable. The illness usually lasts 2-4 weeks.

Mpox can spread from the time symptoms start until all sores have scabbed and fallen off and a fresh layer of skin has formed. This can take several weeks. 


Mpox spreads in a few different ways. There is a common misconception that mpox can only be spread through sexual contact. While it can be spread through sexual contact, it is not the sole mode of transmission. Here are the primary ways mpox is transmitted:


It is primarily through direct skin-to-skin contact with infectious sores, scabs, or body fluids, including (but not only) during sex, as well as activities like kissing, hugging, massaging, and cuddling.

Contact with Porous Materials Used Heavily by A Person with Mpox

Mpox can also spread through touching materials used by a person with mpox that hasn’t been cleaned, such as clothing and bedding. Generally the more porous an object is, the longer it is that the virus may survive on it. However any surface can host the virus, especially in dark, cool, and low humidity conditions.

Respiratory Secretions During Prolonged, Close, Face-to-Face Contact

Kissing or lying next to someone for long periods of time with your faces close together (such as cuddling in very close proximity) can increase the risk of transmission. 

To Recap, Mpox Can Be Spread Through: 

Non-Sexual Contact

  • Direct skin-to-skin contact with rash lesions.
  • Living in a house and sharing a bed with someone who is symptomatic.
  • Sharing towels or unwashed clothing with someone who is symptomatic.
  • Environmental surfaces, particularly when in dark, cool, and low humidity environments.
  • Respiratory secretions through prolonged face-to-face interactions (the type that mainly happens when living with someone or caring for someone who has mpox).

Sexual Contact

  • Kissing, hugging, massaging, or prolonged face-to-face contact with someone who is symptomatic.
  • Touching fabrics and objects during sex that were used by a person with mpox that haven’t been disinfected. This includes bedding, towels, and also sex toys and fetish gear.
  • Vaginal, oral, or anal sex where genitals, anus, and/or mouth are in contact with a person with mpox.
  • It is UNCLEAR whether mpox can be spread through semen, vaginal fluids, feces, or urine at this time.

Mpox is NOT Spread Through

  • Casual brief conversations.

  • Walking by someone with mpox, such as in a grocery store.

Other Misconceptions

Misconception: Mpox is only spread through sexual contact.

Fact: Mpox is Not Only Spread Through Sexual Contact. It can be spread both through non-sexual contact and sexual contact.

Misconception: Mpox is only a problem for LGBTQIA+ communities.

Fact: Mpox is not limited to LGBTQIA+ communities. Anyone can get it if they are in close contact with a person with mpox regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or the sex of one's sexual partner(s). While risk trends may exist at any given point, transmission is not limited to a particular subpopulation. 

Misconception: Only men who have sex with men can get mpox. 

Fact: Mpox is not limited only to MSM communities (men who have sex with men). Anyone can get it if they are in close contact with a person with mpox regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or the sex of one's sexual partner(s). While risk trends may exist at any given point, transmission is not limited to a particular subpopulation. 

Exposure Risk


There are number of ways to prevent the spread of mpox, including:

  • Avoid close skin-to-skin and face-to-face contact, including (but not limited to) sex, with people with symptoms like sores or rashes.
  • Avoid contact with materials and objects that a person with mpox has used such as utensils, cups, bedding, towels, and clothing.
  • Practicing good hand hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water often, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. It is especially important to do before eating or touching your face.
  • People who become infected should isolate themselves until their symptoms are improving or have gone away completely.  The rash should always be well covered until completely healed.
  • Using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) (like a mask, gown, and gloves) when caring for others with symptoms.
  • Always talk to your sexual partner/s about any recent illness and be aware of new or unexplained sores or rashes on your body or your partner’s body, including on the genitals and anus.
  • Condoms and Latex Gloves may protect your anus, mouth, penis, vagina, or genitals from exposure. However, condoms alone may not prevent all exposures since the rash can occur on other parts of the body.
  • Consider having virtual sex with no in-person contact. Mutual masturbation at a distance apart is safer than skin-to-skin contact sex. Sex with your clothes on over rashes offers more protection than skin-to-skin contact sex as well. 
  • Avoiding contact with infected materials contaminated with the virus.
  • Avoiding contact with infected animals.

What to Do If You Have Had an Exposure or Symptoms

If you’ve been exposed to mpox, call a health care provider or your local health department as soon as you know you’ve been exposed. If you’ve had a high-risk exposure (like from someone you live with or direct contact with a rash/sore), the vaccine should be given within 4 days from exposure to help prevent disease. If given between 4–14 days after exposure, the vaccine may reduce symptoms but may not prevent disease. Monitor for any new symptoms for 21 days after your last exposure. If you develop symptoms, reach out to a health care provider.

Monkeypox Exposure Graphic


Students can make an appointment at Student Health Service via Virtual Line.

Virtual Line

Faculty and staff

Faculty and staff should reach out to their primary care provider. 

Mpox Home Isolation Guidance for the General Public

For information on isolating at home and returning to public, please click on the following button: 

Click Here

For more up-to-date information on mpox checkout these 3 sites:

CA Dept of Public Health   Centers for Disease Control (CDC)   SB County Public Health


Student Health Service

  • People who are known contacts to someone with mpox who are identified by public health authorities, for example via case investigation, contact tracing, or risk exposure assessment
  • People who are aware that a recent sex partner within the past 14 days was diagnosed with mpox
  • People who attended an event or venue where there was known mpox exposure
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men (including cisgender and transgender men) who have sex with men (MSM) or transgender women who meet at least one of the following criteria:

    • Sex with multiple partners (or group sex); or recent sex with anonymous male partners; or sex at a commercial sex venue; or sex in association with an event, venue, or defined geographic area where mpox transmission is occurring
    • Have been diagnosed with a bacterial sexually transmitted disease (e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis) in the past 12 months,
    • Have engaged in chemsex (using drugs as part of sex life),
    • Have attended sex-on-premises venues (e.g., saunas, bathhouses, sex clubs),
    • Use or are recommended to use HIV PrEP,
    • Are living with HIV

If the above applies to you and you would like to get the vaccine, please login to the patient portal and go to "Appointments" to schedule the mpox vaccine.

Patient Portal


Santa Barbara County Public Health

Vaccine supply is very limited and Santa Barbara County. The Public Health Department expects to receive a second allocation later in the summer. Vaccine supply will gradually increase later this year, but current supplies remain low. In line with state and national standards, the following groups have been prioritized for mpox vaccination in Santa Barbara County:

  • Known close contacts of mpox cases who are identified by public health via case investigation, contact tracing, and risk exposure assessments. (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP))
  • Individuals with certain risk factors who are more likely to have been recently exposed to mpox even if they have not had documented exposure to someone with confirmed mpox, such as people who attended an event or venue where there was known mpox exposure. (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)++ )
  • Gay or bisexual men and transgender persons 18 years of age and older who have had multiple or anonymous sex partners in the last 14 days including engaging in survival and/or transactional sex (e.g., sex in exchange for shelter, food and other goods and needs)

If you are in one of the categories described above, contact the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department at:

You will be contacted by a Public Health nurse who will ask you about your experience and coordinate your vaccine if indicated.

Please note vaccination criteria will vary by county based on vaccine allocation and current outbreak status. 


For More Information About the Vaccine:

FDA JYNNEOS Info   CA Dept of Public Health   CDC Mpox Vaccine Guidance   CDC JYNNEOS Info

UCOP Mpox Info

For more information regarding mpox from UC Office of the President

For inquiries about this website,
please contact:

Jason Stone, M.S.

Health Communication & Media Campaigns Manager

Email: jason.stone@sa.ucsb.edu

Phone: 805-893-4347