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Welcome To Interpersonal Violence & Survivor Services
CARE is the main department that supports survivors of Interpersonal Violence. They have a 24/7, confidential and obligation free hotline to offer immediate support to anyone who needs it. They also offer survivor services listed on this page and on their website, non-judgmentally guiding individuals through their options at UCSB and next steps.

Campus, Advocacy, Resources, and Education (CARE)
Campus, Advocacy, Resources, and Education (CARE) is UC Santa Barbara’s confidential advocacy and education office for interpersonal violence (sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking). They offer free and confidential services for students, staff, faculty, alumni, community members, and friends/loved ones impacted interpersonal and gender-based violence and provide violence prevention education for the entire UCSB campus.
CARE also offers a 100% confidential and obligation free advocacy hotline for survivors and anyone who needs it:
Survivor Healing Programs
CARE recognizes that healing is not limited to one modality and values all forms of healing. Their healing programs create transformative and nurturing spaces in which survivors who have experienced trauma can find safety, connection and support.
CARE offers a variety of holistic programs designed to provide restorative experiences that facilitate opportunities for self-reconnection, while addressing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual effects of traumatic experiences.

CARE Advocates provide affirming, empowering, and confidential support for survivors and bring a non-judgmental, caring approach to exploring all options and resources. CARE Advocates believe that it is always the survivor’s decision to pursue any of the available resources or to report an incident to the police or the University.
Their state certified Advocates are here to help you navigate your options, provide you with support, connect you with resources on-campus or within the community, and serve as trusted point of contact throughout the whole process.
CARE does not practice appointment limits and understands that each survivor has unique needs. A survivor may choose to come back to CARE at any time. CARE Advocates take time to understand the unique and individual experiences of survivors. Together, CARE Advocates and survivors develop an individual plan for moving forward.

Prevention Education

Prevention education refers to comprehensive education that is focused on addressing the root causes of interpersonal violence, or sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. Prevention strategies address the way individual, relationship, community, and societal factors impact interpersonal violence and aim to prevent violence before it occurs.